Friday 2 September 2016

Magnetic bracelet with gemstones
I've noticed lately that I've been banging on too much about the weather and sport. Both are quintessentially British, even if our weather is lousy and our sporting success always falls short of our expectations - pace our recent Olympics successes.

So I promise, today, to find something else I'd like to talk about. And what I'd like to talk about is the magnetic bracelets from MPS with gemstones. The reason I mention these is because in my opinion they are nothing like what one might expect from a medical product. They are not like knee braces or insulin pumps. When you look at them, what do you see?

The answer is that you see an item of jewellery every bit as beautiful as you might see in the windows of Tiffany, Cartiers or House of Garrard - who were the Crown jewellers for 164 years until they were replaced by G Collins and Sons. Collins, for their part, have now apparently been replaced by Mappin and Webb.

But to get back to my narrative. Why does jewellery have to be expensive?  Diamonds are not rare - despite the efforts of certain interested parties to make us think otherwise. Nor are they necessarily any more attractive that Swarovski. They are not even a good "investment" because of the huge "spread" between the price that jewellers will charge you for them and the price you would get if you tried to sell one.

In short, diamonds are a pig in a poke... a naked emperor... bordering on a scam. And they have the nerve to question the ethics of selling magnetic jewellery as alternative medicine!

What hypocrisy!

So let us cast both the hypocrisy and the prejudice aside and judge not by what the experts tell us but rather by the evidence of our own eyes. And that's telling us one thing. These bracelets are good. And when you think about, you are the final judge.

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