Some people dismiss magnetic health care products as superstitious mumbo jumbo - along with witches and warlocks. But the reality is that even dismissing warlocks is a bit of an oversimplification. Warlocks - at least of the self-styled variety - certainly exist. Whether they have magic powers is another matter.
But remember that magic is simply magnetic without the net. Take away the net - be it the internet or the safety net - and magic certainly exists.
Okay, you say, but real or not, what is the problem with warlocks? Are they bad? Surely we have gone beyond the old-fashioned bigotry of hating them on principle. Have we not entered the Harry Potter age, when warlocks are recognized as being like people - in the sense that they can be good or bad?
The answer is yes and no. Warlocks may be good as well as bad, but it is all about the balance of power. A powerful friend and neighbour can also be a bigger pain in the arse than an outright enemy. Just ask Canada!
And that is why it is a good idea to keep the warlocks at bay with a warlock-repellent bracelet from Magnetic Products Store.
Monday, 19 December 2016
Thursday, 27 October 2016
Although winter hasn't quite hit us just yet, the weather has turned distinctly autumnal - and that is bad news for people who suffer from arthritis. There's actually a debate about whether the weather actually does affect arthritis sufferers.
In fact I've covered this before. According to Philip Conaghan, professor of musculoskeletal medicine at the University of Leeds :
'Many claim that arthritis gets worse when the atmospheric pressure falls, just before it rains,' says Prof Conaghan. 'But scientific trials have failed to prove this. There is no evidence to show weather or climate has any effect on arthritis. OA occurs all over the world, in all types of climates.'
Maybe, but in what numbers or percentages, to what degree and does it fluctuate according to the weather? The professor doesn't say. But real world experience tells us that it does indeed get worse in the cold weather!

And now with Christmas coming up, this would seem like the perfect time to buy such a bracelet as a present. Indeed, you could do no better than to buy some of the best healing bracelets around from Magnetic Products Store.
To encourage this, and make it easier on your pocket, they are running a special three-for-one promotion. All you have to do is buy any three bracelets from their site - come on, you must have at least three friends - and you get the copper magnetic bangle shown in the big picture above. For more details, or simply to visit their website, just click on the highlighted link earlier in this paragraph and you will be instantly transported there - in a new tab - faster than you can say: "beam me up Scotty!"
alternative medicine,
special offer
Friday, 2 September 2016
I've noticed lately that I've been banging on too much about the weather and sport. Both are quintessentially British, even if our weather is lousy and our sporting success always falls short of our expectations - pace our recent Olympics successes.
So I promise, today, to find something else I'd like to talk about. And what I'd like to talk about is the magnetic bracelets from MPS with gemstones. The reason I mention these is because in my opinion they are nothing like what one might expect from a medical product. They are not like knee braces or insulin pumps. When you look at them, what do you see?
The answer is that you see an item of jewellery every bit as beautiful as you might see in the windows of Tiffany, Cartiers or House of Garrard - who were the Crown jewellers for 164 years until they were replaced by G Collins and Sons. Collins, for their part, have now apparently been replaced by Mappin and Webb.
But to get back to my narrative. Why does jewellery have to be expensive? Diamonds are not rare - despite the efforts of certain interested parties to make us think otherwise. Nor are they necessarily any more attractive that Swarovski. They are not even a good "investment" because of the huge "spread" between the price that jewellers will charge you for them and the price you would get if you tried to sell one.
In short, diamonds are a pig in a poke... a naked emperor... bordering on a scam. And they have the nerve to question the ethics of selling magnetic jewellery as alternative medicine!
What hypocrisy!
So let us cast both the hypocrisy and the prejudice aside and judge not by what the experts tell us but rather by the evidence of our own eyes. And that's telling us one thing. These bracelets are good. And when you think about, you are the final judge.
So I promise, today, to find something else I'd like to talk about. And what I'd like to talk about is the magnetic bracelets from MPS with gemstones. The reason I mention these is because in my opinion they are nothing like what one might expect from a medical product. They are not like knee braces or insulin pumps. When you look at them, what do you see?
The answer is that you see an item of jewellery every bit as beautiful as you might see in the windows of Tiffany, Cartiers or House of Garrard - who were the Crown jewellers for 164 years until they were replaced by G Collins and Sons. Collins, for their part, have now apparently been replaced by Mappin and Webb.
But to get back to my narrative. Why does jewellery have to be expensive? Diamonds are not rare - despite the efforts of certain interested parties to make us think otherwise. Nor are they necessarily any more attractive that Swarovski. They are not even a good "investment" because of the huge "spread" between the price that jewellers will charge you for them and the price you would get if you tried to sell one.
In short, diamonds are a pig in a poke... a naked emperor... bordering on a scam. And they have the nerve to question the ethics of selling magnetic jewellery as alternative medicine!
What hypocrisy!
So let us cast both the hypocrisy and the prejudice aside and judge not by what the experts tell us but rather by the evidence of our own eyes. And that's telling us one thing. These bracelets are good. And when you think about, you are the final judge.
Wednesday, 20 July 2016
Sports injuries, magnetic health and the Rio 2016 Olympic games
As we prepare for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, we can be sure of one thing: a lot of people are going to take up sport. For some it will only last for a few weeks. Others might persist for longer... months maybe. But for a few, it will herald a change of lifestyle and an ongoing commitment if not competitive sport, then at least to staying in shape.
But getting into shape through sport - especially suddenly after a long period of indolence - carries with it the risk of sports injuries. I don't mean breaking your leg in the high jump or getting caught in a burning Formula One car in the Silverstone Grand Prix. I mean more like twisted ankles or sprained wrists. That sort of injury. Sometimes it happens, not suddenly, but gradually. And you notice it not when training or competing, but when you wake up in pain the following morning.
There are various treatments for these ailments, but on of the best is magnetic therapy. For example, magnetic wraps, such as those in the pictures, have shown excellent results. And this is true not only of track and field athletes. According to the Sport Journal:
But getting into shape through sport - especially suddenly after a long period of indolence - carries with it the risk of sports injuries. I don't mean breaking your leg in the high jump or getting caught in a burning Formula One car in the Silverstone Grand Prix. I mean more like twisted ankles or sprained wrists. That sort of injury. Sometimes it happens, not suddenly, but gradually. And you notice it not when training or competing, but when you wake up in pain the following morning.
There are various treatments for these ailments, but on of the best is magnetic therapy. For example, magnetic wraps, such as those in the pictures, have shown excellent results. And this is true not only of track and field athletes. According to the Sport Journal:
Jim Colbert, professional golfer on the Senior PGA Tour, stated that he has not missed a day of golf in 3 years. He attributed his longevity to wearing various types of magnets. Donna Andrews, a golfer on the LPGA tour stated that wearing magnets helps her feel and play well.Read the full article to learn about the effects of magnets on sporting health and prowess. And if you are more into mental sports than physical ones, you might like to take this survey on your game-playing habits.
Friday, 10 June 2016
Time for a high street revolution
The typical British high street is a rich and diverse place. Yes, it's constantly changing. Retailers now have to compete with out-of-town shopping malls - much beloved by car users - and online retailers that cater to those who are less mobile. Banks branches close and do most of their business online, with cards and electronic transactions replacing cash. Independent bookshops close - driven out of business by large chains and online giants. Even pubs - those quintessentially English (and Scottish and Irish) institutions - sometimes close down, although others get special licences to stay open late.
So the High Street is changing. Yet it lives on. It lives on in the realm of fashion, fast-food, cosmetics, perfumery, luxury dining and jewellery. Think Bond Street.
And yet, on the high street, it simply isn't there. It may be that there is a prejudice against magnetic therapy. Conventional medicine still holds it in low esteem for the most part - so much so that it is impossible to insert a favourable comment about it on Wikipedia, no matter how well-documented the comment.
But that cannot be the complete answer. Because we can find yoga, reiki and Chinese herbal medicine on the high street. Can it simply be that the online retailers have missed an opportunity? Or is it more of a case of high street economics?
Whatever the reason, something's gotta give. We live - goes the old Chinese proverb - in interesting times.
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
Does the mayor of London wear an energy pendant?
I've been told by various people - including Frank Sinatra, Elvis Presley and Barak Obama - that one should never name-drop. And so it is perhaps a little impertinent of me to speculate on whether Sadiq Khan wears an energy pendant.
The reason that I suspect that he might, is because he displayed considerable energy and enthusiasm throughout what must have been a relentless and tiring campaign. And that energy shows no sign of abating or flagging now that he is in office. On the contrary - if anything he is showing even more energy and tenacity now that he has been elected.
So what then are energy pendants? Basically, they are pendants containing high-strength magnets - like those in magnetic bracelets - but worn close to the heart instead of one the wrist. Thus, they are close to the epicentre of your very being. Whereas a magnetic bracelet might be worn by someone suffering from arthritis, carpel tunnel syndrome or repetitive strain injury, an energy pendant might be worn by someone seeking more energy and less inertia generally, or someone seeking to recharge his life-batteries, so to speak.
There are so many energy pendants to choose from that it is hard to say which is the right one - or even, which is the right one for you. There might actually be several right ones for you, varying according to your mood. For example, if you want to light the fire in your life, you might choose the flame pendant.
The reason that I suspect that he might, is because he displayed considerable energy and enthusiasm throughout what must have been a relentless and tiring campaign. And that energy shows no sign of abating or flagging now that he is in office. On the contrary - if anything he is showing even more energy and tenacity now that he has been elected.
So what then are energy pendants? Basically, they are pendants containing high-strength magnets - like those in magnetic bracelets - but worn close to the heart instead of one the wrist. Thus, they are close to the epicentre of your very being. Whereas a magnetic bracelet might be worn by someone suffering from arthritis, carpel tunnel syndrome or repetitive strain injury, an energy pendant might be worn by someone seeking more energy and less inertia generally, or someone seeking to recharge his life-batteries, so to speak.
There are so many energy pendants to choose from that it is hard to say which is the right one - or even, which is the right one for you. There might actually be several right ones for you, varying according to your mood. For example, if you want to light the fire in your life, you might choose the flame pendant.
Or if you are a romantic, maybe the Love Pendant is better suited to your needs.
And there are others with musical, gambling and nature themes.
But there's no need to choose wisely, like the sorting hat. If you just go with the flow, the right energy pendant will choose you.
Monday, 11 April 2016
Resizing magnetic bracelets
If you suffer from arthritis or repetitive strain in injury, a magnetic bracelet could make a positive difference to your life. And getting the size right for your magnetic bracelet when you buy one online should be a relatively straightforward task. That's if the bracelet is for you. But what if it's for someone else and you don't want them to know you're buying them a gift? Or what if you just make a mistake? It can happen. We're only human after all!
Well MPS is very considerate in that regard. Knowing - as they do - that you might have made an error, they very helpfully throw in a FREE links removal re-sizing tool, along with instructions on how to use it to remove links.
Of course, if you need to add links, you have to send it back. But people tend to err on the high side in practice. Anyway, it's a step in the right direction.
Luckily, not all bracelets need resizing. For example, Magnetic Products Store sells a range of expanding bracelets that you just stretch over your hand to put on. These are very good for people with arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome because they have no fiddly clasp and are very easy to put on.
As you can see from the picture above these are very nice items to wear. In addition to the ease with which they can be put on and the strong (3000 Gauss) magnets, they are also pleasing to the eye and a joy to wear.
And while we're on the subject of bracelets without links, MPS also sells one-size-fits-all bangles.These can be futuristic steel like the one above, or those with a more historical look and feel like the copper bangle below.
You pays your money and you takes your choice!
Well MPS is very considerate in that regard. Knowing - as they do - that you might have made an error, they very helpfully throw in a FREE links removal re-sizing tool, along with instructions on how to use it to remove links.
Of course, if you need to add links, you have to send it back. But people tend to err on the high side in practice. Anyway, it's a step in the right direction.
Luckily, not all bracelets need resizing. For example, Magnetic Products Store sells a range of expanding bracelets that you just stretch over your hand to put on. These are very good for people with arthritis or carpal tunnel syndrome because they have no fiddly clasp and are very easy to put on.
As you can see from the picture above these are very nice items to wear. In addition to the ease with which they can be put on and the strong (3000 Gauss) magnets, they are also pleasing to the eye and a joy to wear.
And while we're on the subject of bracelets without links, MPS also sells one-size-fits-all bangles.These can be futuristic steel like the one above, or those with a more historical look and feel like the copper bangle below.
You pays your money and you takes your choice!
Friday, 11 March 2016
Magnetic Bracelets and sports
As we're coming up to the beginning of the outdoor sports season (ignoring football and rugby), now seems like a good time to talk about bracelets and wristbands for athletes and the many enthusiastic amateurs who will be taking up sport in the not-too-distant future.
The trouble is, of course, that people who have been idle for so long, during the depths of winter, sometimes plunge themselves too suddenly and too deeply into their newfound enthusiasm for sporting activity and, in the process, do themselves that proverbial "mischief".
One of the best is the plain but very good Super Prime™ silicone magnetic bracelet (top left) that comes with a luxury gift pouch. Here are some interesting facts about it:
- The band is ultra-soft, making it extremely comfortable.
- The silicone stands up to all weather conditions and cannot corrode or tarnish
- It is water resistent
- It is hypoallergenic - no metal comes into contact with your skin
- The magnets are embedded in the silicone
- No metal clasp to grapple with - just slip it over your wrist
- It is extremely strong - will not snap when putting in on. NEVER!!!
The Hi-Prime Silicone Magnetic Bracelet from IonTopia® (above right) is also very nice.
Wednesday, 10 February 2016
A Valentine's gift - less arthritis pain!
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Osiris |
In this posting I will not address the sceptics who doubt the effectiveness of therapy magnets for healing. I will instead move past that stage in the debate and address those who do believe. But I will also speak to the open-minded, as they are ignored all too often.
I have no doubts that those who have confidence in the curative powers of copper arthritis bracelets for men and women will no doubt be looking for a copper bracelet or magnetic therapy bracelet to ease their pain. Right now, we have been having a lot of cold weather here in England and everyone knows that the cold makes arthritis symptoms worse.
It must be very hard if you love someone suffering from arthritis, especially on St. Valentine’s Day, which is coming up in just four days time! But maybe you show them how much you love them with a gift that is not only beautiful but also potentially helpful to their problem?
How? By giving them a copper bracelet or magnetic therapy bracelet help them with the pain of their recurring ailment.
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Adel Ladies Steel Bangle |
Now, I will break my promise and address the sceptics. Okay maybe you are not quite convinced of the power of magnets for health. Maybe the thought of buying a copper bracelet for arthritis seems too much like plain, old-fashioned superstition. Okay, I won't try to convince you otherwise. But even if you believe that the effectiveness of copper bracelets for arthritis is a mere manifestation of the placebo, you cannot deny that the bracelets offered by the Magnetic Products Store are a pleasure to behold and carry with them that feelgood factor that a thing of beauty naturally possesess.
So forget those extra strong magnets and concentrate on the looks. These are best bracelets around if no other reason than because they look great! That's one truth that you cannot deny!
Sunday, 17 January 2016
Magnetic bracelets versus winter blues
Magnetic Bracelets in winter
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What am I talking about, you're probably wondering? Why am I talking such absolute rubbish? How can magnetic jewellery cure winter depression?
Well that's a fair question. How indeed? But let's rewind here. Let's think about what this here "winter depression" or "January blues" actually is. First of all, we're not talking about clinical depression, which is caused by factors on the inside of the brain - the brain being, after all, a physical object. No, this is more psychological depression, caused by environmental factors. And the specific environmental factor here is seasonal. But still, you're asking, how do magnetic bracelets and other such jewellery help us get over it?
Well, let's see now. Most of us have heard of Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known by that brilliantly witty acronym: SAD. We probably all have it in varying degrees and it is almost certainly hard-wired into our DNA. Animals have it too. That is why land animals hibernate, whilst birds migrate. Unfortunately, we human's can't do that. It just isn't practical. Neither our lifestyle nor our physiology allows it. Although evolution has probably burnt the desire to do so into our genes, other mutations have taken us beyond that and make us incapable of lasting through the winter without food. (Even if we can manage without magnetic jewellery.)
January Sales
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MPS™ MEN'S TARENT Stainless Steel & Germanium Magnetic Bracelet |
But how can magnetic bracelets make a difference? Well first of all, I am not talking about the therapeutic powers of magnetic bracelets. Rather I am talking about their psychological powers. Winter depression is a psychological condition, not a physical one. It is linkedto cold weather and short dark days. Now obviously we can't do anything about the weather except wear warm clothing and turn up the central heating. Nor can we make the days any longer. But we can make them brighter.
And by that, I don't mean turn on the lights, I mean we can wear bright, shiny, sparkling jewellery. And that's wear magnetic jewellery enters the picture. It is a lot cheaper than precious metals and gemstones, yet to the naked eye is is just as bright and stimulating. And right now, Magnetic Products Store has a January sale in progress in which some items are reduced by as much as 80%.
So if you're looking for a way to brighten up the cold, gloomy month of January, you've just found it.
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