Monday, 5 July 2010

Magnetic Personnel to man the baricades

No body will agree to that - the manager called us today and gave us a new contract - and it is take it or leave it thingyboby.

He said that as the economic stredd continue, there is a need. The idea is that if we don't take it - we proved that we should be gone by the end of the day. The proposal is that we will lose out a day for every 5 days, to help the ailing company, in return to pay rates. And the other element - that we really though is taking the micky out of us: Max. Check and loosing another pay day, and that we will have money and replaced with magnetic bracelets behind that tree.

The thing is that in order to ensure that we will not became competitors - we should get the magnetic bracelets in form of faulty magnetic bracelets.


Anonymous said...

Bracelets for money is potentially a good idea because if you don't need all the money for immediate living expenses then it is good to save. And magnetic bracelets are a better investment than the stock market. They are also better than banks. banks can go bankrupt but magnetic bracelets will not lose their magnetism. It is like that song by the spice girls about how making love being routine and straightforward, whereas friendship is enduring. They could change the words to say:

"Banking cheques is easy,
Magnetic bracelets never eeeeeeeennnnnndddd."

Anonymous said...

But they must make sure that the magnetic bracelets are faulty - If not, the stuff will go to businerss and the businesses will go out of business. Whoops, just read this.

Anonymous said...

It sounds to me like your boss is in flagrant violation of EU Directive 10-289 which expressly forbids employers from taking the mickey out of their workers. If the bosses try to do this you should take them to a labor tribunal. And if that doesn't work take them to a liberal tribunal.

In the old days this would have led to a strike. But in the post-Thatcher age this is not so easy. Try picking up his car with a giant electromagnet and dumping it in the Thames.