Whilst there are many retailers of healing bracelets with therapy magnets for health etc, not all of the are equal. Some have bigger ranges than others. Some have faster delivery and some have better customer service.
The one that comes out on top in all of these areas is Magnetic Products Store. Aside from having some of the best bracelets on the market, they have the biggest range in Europe and the second biggest in the world. They deliver fast and have excellent customer service. But the feature that stands out most is the way in which they anticipate customer problems and take a pro-active role in resolving them, instead of waiting until after the fact when the customer is already - understandably - frustrated.
One of the ways in which they do this is by having a series of troubleshooting pages addressing many, if not all, of the issues likely to affect customers.
So let's say that customers buying magnetic healing bracelets for arthritis get the sizes wrong (maybe they were buying for other people) - what do they do without having to send it back? Well for a start whenever you by a links bracelet from MPS they send a free links removal tool with it. But that only helps if you know how to use it. The good news is that one of their very nicely illustrated Troubleshooting pages explains exactly how to use the tool.
Let's go through those simple instructions now.

You start by finding the side where you need to put the tip of the push pin (i.e. the pin on the device that is used to push the holding pins in and out of the bracelet.)

Then you align the push pin and the pin you want to remove from the bracelet. Next, you turn the handle of the device very slowly. This pushes out the pin.
When the pin stars to come out, use your fingers to pull it the rest of the way.

Do the same on the other side in order to remove the link or links completely. Then reconnect the bracelet as shown in the picture below. To insert the pin, push it part of the way with your fingers.

Then push it the rest of the way using the too and that's it!
See you next blog.