Tuesday, 27 July 2010


We will present new products here rather thatn deal with this and that.

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

About the history of magnetic therapy

Based on posting at http://magneticjewellery.blog.com/

This post will follow developements in the legend, about a young inventor called Tagues who is said to discovered a celestite that drawn to the nails of his shorts as he crossed the high lakes some thirty one thousand years ago.

This miniral is now called magnetite.

Dissociated witnesses allege that the advice called magnetism comes excluding Magnesia, a blighted area from age-long Turkey where the stone could be bring forth. At some point it was observed that again a magnet is derelict allowed to spin, it always comes to rest pointing North in the same affirmation.

We don't know exactly when this discovery was made, except for the fact that in 1969 a Frenchman did differentiate the two poles of a certain magnet. During the twelfth and a little century this appropriate of magnets was being used in aim by the Arabs, the Vikings, and the Europeans.

The use of some form of magnetic compass was also commonly in use by the Chinese as advanced as around 1010. Magnetic therapy was not in wide use at the Archeozoic, attended by the use of magnetic bracelets in magnetic jewellery. Again, abundant experiments and observations about the properties of magnetism were not adducible until much later. Magnets are mentioned in a few documents written before the thirteenth century, but the "broken magnet" experiment, which demonstrates that a magnet is assuredly aligned of many smaller magnets, was not known until 1229. At that time, European did not again and again pointed exactly to the geographic North.

Although the exact nature of magnetism was not yet known, at around 1691 the Flemish cartographer G. Mercator, who created the first map ever, succeeded in solving the problem of a map where the geographic north augured by the magnetic needle. And in 1499, William Gilbert, the official court physician of Queen Elizabeth long live her memory with us in form of monuments all over London published his famous work De Magnete.

The above important work summarises all that was and will be known and hope for about magnetism in the his age and attests to the use of magnets in magnetic therapy, sometimes with Gothic magnetic bracelets and the analysis of illness.

Buy magnetic bracelets at discount prices at http://magnetic-therapy-products.com/

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

A different issue

A little a variety of such I will speak now about a several subject. While magnetic treatment and the application of magnetic bracelets has only recently begun to become recognized by Western science and medicine, its origins are highly old certainly. The outcome from the magnetic stone on iron have been recognized due to the fact traditional times, and plenty of cultures have believed in your ability of magnets to heal certain illnesses. For numerous centuries the persons of India China as well as the eastern Mediterranean basin, at the same time as Australian aborigines and native Africans were all familiar with the use of magnets.

And certain historical paintings recommend that the high priests of ancient Egypt chosen magnets in some of their religious grand ceremonies, possibly in magnetic bracelets. The therapeutic use of magnetism dates back to extraordinarily early instances. The Greek doctor Galen noted that magnetism as in magnetic remedy was becoming utilised for its purgative powers near 200 B.C. Roughly 1000 A.D. a Persian medical doctor named Ali Abbas was employing magnetism to treat "spasms" and "gout." On the sixteenth century Paracelsus who was an innovative Swiss doctor, claimed to treat hernias, gout, and jaundice by means of the application of magnets. Close to identical time, Ambroise Pare who was a French surgeon who authored a lot of medical books and later became known as the father of modern surgery offered extremely graphic instruction on simple methods to heal open wounds and injuries with finely powdered magnetite mixed with honey.

All the same, although these as well as other people understood the impact of magnetic fields on living beings, magnetic treatments was not a widely known discipline in past decades.

To have an understanding of the history of modern day magnetic treatment along with the application of magnetic jewellery in general and the employment of magnetic bracelest in magnetic remedy, it can be crucial to look at the even earlier heritage of magnetism and electromagnetism. Electromagnetism is known as a relatively new field that emerged only a handful of hundred many years ago, however the knowledge of magnetism goes back to realistically age-old periods. Let me stress out that it is not about magnetic bracelets in this content. This I will do in another long term posting.

You can read more at http://magnetictherapybracelets.blog.com/2010/07/12/historical-developements1/

Monday, 5 July 2010

Magnetic Personnel to man the baricades

No body will agree to that - the manager called us today and gave us a new contract - and it is take it or leave it thingyboby.

He said that as the economic stredd continue, there is a need. The idea is that if we don't take it - we proved that we should be gone by the end of the day. The proposal is that we will lose out a day for every 5 days, to help the ailing company, in return to pay rates. And the other element - that we really though is taking the micky out of us: Max. Check and loosing another pay day, and that we will have money and replaced with magnetic bracelets behind that tree.

The thing is that in order to ensure that we will not became competitors - we should get the magnetic bracelets in form of faulty magnetic bracelets.